The dreaded interview

Emilia Driver
2 min readApr 26, 2021

At first, the application process was quite daunting and nerve wracking but I am so glad that I did it!

Being someone who has no idea about what career path I am interested in following in the future, choosing a short work placement that I knew I would enjoy was difficult, especially as there were so many options to choose from. Despite this, in the end my inability to decide on one specific sector turned out to be an advantage. I ended up finding an event management option which included a focus on multiple different sectors in psychology and was aimed at organising an event for undergraduates to learn about potential career paths in psychology. I knew this would be perfect for me as not only would I be helping others to think about their future but I would also be able to gain knowledge and understanding through this experience myself. However, there was one thing standing in the way; the dreaded interview!

Being someone who lacks self confidence, particularly in stressful situations, the idea of any sort of interview terrifies me! After a while of doubting my capability to take part in an interview, I told myself that I needed to push myself out of my comfort zone as I was intrigued to take part in this specific work placement and the only way to do so was to put myself out there. So that’s exactly what I did, and I smashed it! The interview process went well and it turned out all the worrying was over nothing. Of course I was nervous during the interview and stumbled with my words a few times but you can’t expect not to! Nerves are normal and this process helped me learn that being nervous or worried does not mean you are incapable. I bagged the placement and, along with my new found confidence, I was able to proceed to meeting my new team mates.

This experience taught me that sticking to your comfort zone gets you nowhere and branching out is what helps you realise what you are really capable of. I am so glad that I got over my anxieties during the application process.

